Launch of SPARC-Europe position paper on improving access to radioligand therapies

On 1 5 March, SPARC-Europe launched its High-Level Position Paper on Improving Access to Radioligand Cancer Therapies.  

This publication is a comprehensive overview of the current barriers to the accessibility of radioligand therapies in the European Union. The considerations take into account the unique characteristics of radioligand therapies, which require particular healthcare settings and expert coordination to be fully beneficial for European patients.

Ten recommendations are presented aiming to provide guidance and potential pathways of action for both EU and national institutions in order to address access barriers and to tackle the following needs: 

  • to improve healthcare infrastructures to accommodate and effectively deliver radioligand cancer therapies,
  • for healthcare professionals’ education to reflect the need for cross-disciplinary oncology and specialisation in the field of radioligand therapies,
  • to create additional opportunities for synergies through the actions supporting the implementation of the Beating Cancer Plan.

By drafting and launching this position paper, SPARC-Europe aims to support European policymakers in the implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the SAMIRA Action Plan, as well as other EU initiatives.